Our Mahogany is Swietenia Macrophylla, True Genuine Mahogany. Our plantation grown Mahogany is fully legal, Cites exempt & Lacey approved.
Genuine Mahogany is labeled as a Class II in durability: 20+ year lifespan.
Genuine Mahogany readily takes stain like fine furniture, allowing for plenty of options in color and appearance. Though no stain or UV oil is required, can be left to naturally turn to a silvery gray appearance.
Genuine Mahogany has a long history of best level performance in the US Decking, Siding, Door , Window , Boat Building , flooring and Musical Instrument industry. Which contributed to its being virtually unavailable and Cites listed in its native habitat. Only recently have we been able to access Genuine Mahogany from legal plantations.
Genuine Mahogany is naturally very stable. Our careful kiln drying helps to enhance its natural stability.
A few technical points are: Janka side hardness 800 lbs, crushing strength 6,400 psi and bending strength of 12,000 psi. It is relatively lightweight and very easy to work with common tools.
We currently offer nominal 5/4×6 – 8’ to 20’ which we can run to decking, siding, porch/panel or a pattern you choose which will fit this raw material size.
In spite of the very high quality, relatively limited supply and uniqueness of Genuine Mahogany; our pricing is less than Ipe and upper end composites in exterior use products.